Monday, August 8, 2011

Embracing "Oneness"

This is a beautifully spoken TED talk by Thandie Newton.  As someone who's lived in several countries, common, easy to understand labels like "Taiwanese" "Asian American" "Marketer"...etc. become increasingly difficult to apply for me since I no longer solely identify with any particular group.  This creates some trouble when it comes to self-introduction...what used to be a quick 30 sec introduction all of a sudden becomes this long, drawn out, explanation of what exactly it is that I do, where is home, and what type of person I am.  From a career stand point, we often times are taught to go look for our "self's" and do what is right for our "self's"...however, the self constantly changes.  My "self" 16 years ago in Taiwan is not the same as the "self" I am today.  The only thing that has remained the same is the "oneness" that I share with everybody else.  The only desire that has stayed constant is the desire to feel connected to others and to contribute to the communities I belong to.  So it seems to me that the goal to embrace "oneness" is a more feasible and more fruitful one than the goal to find "oneself" and to fulfill its needs.

Link here:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arlin: It's Alicia. I'm so fortunate that we met @ Wharton and remained friends. I am thrilled that you are going to my favorite part of the world. It changed my life and know it will bring you only the best of memories and experiences. I look forward to reading all your reflections and seeing your photos. Be well and until your next blog,
