Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pastor Chris and the marriage ministry

Pastor Chris Ojigbani from Nigeria is in town this week!  He runs the Covenant of Single and Married Ministries that focus on getting the single ladies and man married and helping fix trouble marriages.  According to an interview done at the local radio station on the way to work, the guy used to be a business man, but one day, God spoke to him and told him he should focus his life on getting people married.  He believes that it's not devil's work that people are delaying getting married, but it's lack of knowledge or believing in the wrong things about marriage that's causing problems.  He holds big events in auditoriums and attracts thousands of people to come.  He was in Kenya last time and was surprised at the amount of single people here, so here he comes again.  A very interesting person, very passionate pastor, very interesting concept...the fact it's from Nigeria makes my "this could be a scam" antenna go up (sorry for the stereotype, my Nigerian friends), the guy seems nice, and I am curious about what he has to say, but I think I might just stick to a prayer from him...see below video (quite amusing), I'll let you know if I find a husband by the end of this week!

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